How to locate the xml node correctly if it has same node name for many entries?


New Member
I am having a xml file similar to below.\[code\]<Parameters> <Parameter IsEncrypted="False"> <ParameterName>pRdGpInstallOptions</ParameterName> <ParameterValue>Custom</ParameterValue> </Parameter> <Parameter IsEncrypted="False"> <ParameterName>pRdAccept</ParameterName> <ParameterValue>true</ParameterValue> </Parameter> <Parameter IsEncrypted="False"> <ParameterName>pCboEditSQLServer</ParameterName> <ParameterValue>MachineName\SQLEXPRESS</ParameterValue> </Parameter></Parameters>\[/code\]I have copied only few nodes here. Actually the real file may be having hundreds of Parameter nodes. We can't hard code the index as it may appear in any order. I am trying to retrieve SQLinstance name parameter value which is associated with Parameter Name \[code\]"pCboEditSQLServer"\[/code\]. I would like to retrieve this value using powershell. How to parse this dynamic xml files?