How to load Jquery Tiny scrollbar


New Member
So I want to customize a scrollbar and I found tiny scrollbar, which is a jquery plugin: problem is, I can't get it to work no matter what. I included Jquery, and the jquery.tinyscrollbar.js files into the same folder as my html and css, as well as included them in the header section, but I can't get it to work...when I open the file via client side, all I get is the regular looking scrollbar as you can see below:
Here's my code:HTML\[code\]<html><head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#chatlist").tinyscrollbar(); }); </script></head><body> <div id="chatlist" > <ul> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> </ul> </div></body></html>\[/code\]CSS\[code\] div#chatlist { width: 50px; height: 140px; border: 1px solid black; overflow:scroll; }\[/code\]Any help would be greatly appreciated!