how to load ceratin images first?


Staff member
I have an asp file as default.asp<br />
and in it 3 inclueded files...<br />
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<!--#include file="title.asp--><br />
<!--#include file="nav_links.asp--><br />
<!--#include file="homecontent.asp"--><br />
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I I need the images in title.asp to load before the images of homecontent.asp load.<br />
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how do I do that?<!--content-->if I am not mistaken you don't have a choice. then agian I have been wrong once before :D<!--content-->That's right - Scoutt was only wrong once before, and that was from 1984 - 2002. :) (Only joking buddy)<br />
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In this case however he is 100% correct.<!--content-->however, you could allow titles to pass a message to the main frame... which calls the loading of the images. Personally itd just slow down the page even more... not like you want that. <br />
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Most of the time that people spend on making images load faster.... they forget to use graphics wisely, and image compression judiciously.<!--content-->thanks to both of you.<br />
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Sometimes it is also good knowing when to stop to look fora solution. In this case I believe you and the site will jsut have to load the way it wants to. (it doesn't weight to much anyway)<br />
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thanks again<br />
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