How to link to a file in another local drive and directory?


Hello,<br />
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This is probably a very stupid question, but my researches on that topic haven't got me any answers to this. Anyway, here it goes:<br />
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I am currently working on a simple internal web site for my workplace. It will be hosted in a common directory on our workplace's server, and with no access to the internet at all.<br />
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I need to put links to files which are on another drive letter and directory, on the server. For example, the common directory where the files of the site would be in G:\workplace, and I need to put links to files that are on another drive letter and directory, like S:\something\subdirectory\ANSB\file_name.dwf<br />
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I've tried to enter the full pathname of the link in an "a href", but it always tries to go to somewhere in the local directory where the site resides, and it won't work.<br />
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I've checked a few places and could not get any answers. Could somebody tell me if it can be done, and how ?<br />
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BTW, yous guys really rocks. This forum is helps me a lot.<br />
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Thank you<br />
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PS: I am sorry if my english is not correct, since it is not my native language.<!--content-->I can't remember but I think you need it like this<br />
<br />
G:\workplace,<br />
file\\S:\something\subdirectory\ANSB\file_name.dwf <br />
<br />
soemthing to that effect. also if it is not in the directory you will need to back out of it like ..\..\S:\something\.......<!--content-->I assume from your comments that this site will not be put up on the Net as you neet to use paths that are relative to your site's root document. <br />
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That being the case then specify the location as:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="file://">file://</a><!-- m --><drive>:/<path>[/<path>/]<filename><br />
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Here is an example:<br />
<a href="file://c:/mysite/images/mypic.gif">link</a><br />
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Note that it is legal, and preferable to use a / instead of the \, even on MS Windows systems.<br />
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Hope this helps.<!--content-->that is what I was after Torrent, for some reason the \ looked funny... and I wasn't sure since I was having brain farts.<!--content-->Ahh, that'll account for the smell round here then :D<!--content-->