How to let users have the latest non cached code?


New Member
This is kind of a core web development topic, and one that is tough to search for.I'm running a medium sized websites ~2500 users a day. We are in heavy development of new features every month. We have GIT setup with a master, dev/master and some other development branches. We have a staging server and a dev server plus we all work locally till we push to dev.However, when I push changes to dev, or even live, it's often the case that users have to refresh cache or else they see errors.We do use HTML5 Application cache, which when we change the manifest will let all the files reset. But we're not using App Cache for the whole application, just some resources that make the application MUCH faster.App Cache aside, this was still a problem in our old site, even without app cache. I know you can do ?timestamp after JS and CSS files. BUT I WANT users to cache these. It speeds up their experience.So, how does one go about letting users cache content for speed, but get the NEWEST content when I push an update? How do the big boys handle this?Thanks!