how to install vbdesign theme if forum is on root follder


New Member
I have problems installing the Radio (vbdesigns) style but, my forum is not on a follder /forum/ it is on the domain root!

example: but the style requires to be on, and that means the designs follder will be on

so where do i have to upload the /designs/ follder?

or do i have to change the style .xml file?
Well you should put it in the root folder.
If your forum is on the root folder just put your icons and buttons etc. in /images/TheFolderoftheDesign/buttons etc.. Just as if it was in a forum directory.. What do you actually mean that it requires the folder to be in /forum directory? It should work if you put it as if it was on a /forum/ directory

If it doesn't work then yeah just do that what it says on the above post : )
(wasn't posted when i clicked Reply : P )
that is my theme I have ported a few times you should of asked me. When it says root that means when you open your ftp and see the main install of all the files like admin,client script,images,includes that means your in the root of your directory.

now just upload the folder radio to the root and then when finished install the xml from your admincp > styles & teplates > upload /download style >