How to install IIS6 on Windows XP Pro/Media Center...


Recent discussions have lead me to do some research, and I found something that I think a lot of HTMLForum's users would like to know.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ows-XP-Pro</a><!-- m -->

IIS6 can be installed on Windows XP. It's not a Windows 2003 only program.

;)lol you just don't like to be wrong. I wouldn't bet that it would work but ok here are a few of my thoughts about the post.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

as previously stated. it doesn't work the same way because HTTP.Sys Driver which is new to 2k3. it dispatches calls completely different than ever before; its a kernel level driver that validates the request before it is handed to the IIS.

Besides that they instructions that were given still only install IIS 5.1. It can be installed on XP Pro x64; however not many systems actually get 64bit version unless using Xeon 64 Prescion or something like that.

In order to get it off of a 2k3 you would have to rip it out of the Service Pack or Install CD; figure out all the required files then get the Http.Sys driver to install.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _ServicesI</a><!-- m --> don't care about some "HTTP.Sys" driver or whatever, and I am almost certain anyone wanting to put IIS6 on a XP OS for home use doesn't care either.

The fact still stands - IIS6 works on XP.If you two are going to start the argument up again, I'm going to boot you both out for a week. Agree to disagree and respect that there may be more than one right answer.


PegI wasn't trying to start an argument - Just posting my findings to the other members that I honestly think would be interested.<sarcasm>
Oh no, a weeks booting, that might force you to use a "better forum", how tragic.

So you fix the problem by removing helpful users from an already lacking group ?

It must have taken years for you to get this good at your admin job pegasus.

here's a tip, a little thought before you tie up the boot laces will go a long way.It did take me years to get this good, Eddy. And here's a tip for you. Before you open your mouth, you might want to make sure you have the entire story - after first ascertaining that it's any of your business.
