vb.org - tutorial to install [his]
[Hack Install System]
Can anyone help? Can't view the tutorial properly without license..
[Hack Install System]
Can anyone help? Can't view the tutorial properly without license..
$query['new'][] = 'CREATE TABLE '. TABLE_PREFIX .'vb_jukebox_trax (
`songid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`title` varchar(100) NOT NULL default \'\',
`url` varchar(100) NOT NULL default \'\',
`plays` smallint(5) default \'0\',
`active` int(2) NOT NULL default \'0\',
`userid` int(11) NOT NULL default \'0\',
`username` varchar(225) NOT NULL default \'\',
`rated_qty` int(5) NOT NULL default \'0\',
`rating` int(5) NOT NULL default \'0\',
`announce` int(2) NOT NULL default \'0\',
`genre` varchar(50) NOT NULL default \'\',
PRIMARY KEY (`songid`))';
CREATE TABLE '. TABLE_PREFIX .'vb_jukebox_trax (
`songid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`title` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ,
`url` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ,
`plays` smallint(5) default 0,
`active` int(2) NOT NULL default 0,
`userid` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,
`username` varchar(225) NOT NULL default ,
`rated_qty` int(5) NOT NULL default 0,
`rating` int(5) NOT NULL default 0,
`announce` int(2) NOT NULL default 0,
`genre` varchar(50) NOT NULL default ,
PRIMARY KEY (`songid`)
$templates['jb_jukebox_bit'] = '<tr>
<td align="center" $backcolor>
<td align="left" $backcolor>
<a href="vb_jukebox.php?$session[sessionurl]do=main&mysong=$songlist[songid]">$songlist[title]</a>
<td align="center" $backcolor>
<td align="center" $backcolor>
<td align="center" $backcolor>
<td align="center" $backcolor>
<td align="left" $backcolor>
<a href="vb_jukebox.php?$session[sessionurl]do=main&mysong=$songlist[songid]">$songlist[title]</a>
<td align="center" $backcolor>
<td align="center" $backcolor>
<td align="center" $backcolor>
$phrase['jb_is_active']['text'] = 'Is this song active..';
$phrase['jb_is_active']['phrasetypeid'] = '888';
$setting['jb_defult_title']['titlephrase'] = 'Defult Song Title';
$setting['jb_defult_title']['descphrase'] = 'What is the name of the song?';
$setting['jb_defult_title']['grouptitle'] = 'jukebox';
$setting['jb_defult_title']['value'] = 'vB Jukebox';
$setting['jb_defult_title']['defaultvalue'] = 'vB Jukebox';
$setting['jb_defult_title']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['jb_defult_title']['displayorder'] = '20';
$temp_mod['Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates »: navbar'][$i]['note'] = '[If you have modifyed this template before you may like to edit this in your own way. all we need to do it provide a link to vb_jukebox.php and target it to a new browser window.
Otherwise you can follow the instructions to add a link to the quick links drop down menu under a new category called "Fun Links". Please note that i have not used phrases here, please edit as required or add you can add your phrases to the GLOBAL phrasegroup.
If you choose to edit as below you can add more links to other fun hacks here in the future :) ]'; // So does this.
$temp_mod['Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates »: navbar'][$i]['find'] = '<td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="online.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[whos_online]</a></td></tr>';
$temp_mod['Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates »: navbar'][$i]['type'] = "Add Under";
$temp_mod['Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates »: navbar'][$i]['mod'] = '<tr><td class="thead">Fun Links</td></tr>
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="vb_jukebox.php?$session[sessionurl]" target="_blank">vB Jukebox</a></td></tr>';