1. Download the images files.
2. Edit any PSD's you might have to match your forum name etc.
3. Upload the folder to your forum root, unless stated otherwise in your README file using your favourite FTP program (SmartFTP etc). CLICK ME FOR IMAGE
4. After that's done, find the XML file that was downloaded with the file. It's normally something like "skin-name_vBVERSION.xml". CLICK ME FOR IMAGE
5. Go to your forum's AdminCP --> Style and Templates CLICK ME FOR IMAGE
6. Then --> Download/Upload Styles --> Then import the XML file, and define a name which will be shown in the style changer in the footer. CLICK ME FOR IMAGE
7. It's done. Enjoy.
LOL. What I did. I wanted to install a skin on my own and now I had no icons and anything. Then I came back on this forum to serch for a solution. Thx. I'll try this way