How to install a nulled vBulletin


New Member
Step 1) Download the vBulletin file I would generally prefer 3.7.4 to 3.8.1. Im sure you will be able to find the nulled vBulletin around vBteam.

Step 2) Now go to your hosting and go to file manager. Now you will have 3 files show up. Go to public_html and create a new directory called forum

Step 3) Open up your ftp, Type in your Host name: example or Something like that. Type in your username and pass. Then click public_html and then click forum.

Step 4) Open up your vBulletin file, And go to upload highlight all the files and drag them into your ftp. Now we have to wait.

Step 5) While you are waiting you can do something...Go to mySQL and create a database that should pass some time.

Step 6) Ok your files should be upload by now..I hope lol. Go to includes file and find the file First edit the name to config.php and then edit with wordpad.

Step 7) What to edit? In the Database name add: Your SQL Database name. The one you created. Next go on down to: Technical email address: Add your email adress, this is where your database errors will be sent. Now go on down to. Master Database Server name and port. In the server name Add MySQL Host and leave the port as it is.

Step 7.5) After that go to public_html and right click then click properties and edit the numbers to 7777 and click Apply to all folders and files!

Now go to slave database configuration at server name: Add your SQL host, now in username add your SQL username and then below add your password, Leave the port the same. Leave everything else the same on the file and save it.

Step 8) Upload the file Keygen.php, Could be already uploaded, If so go to And generate your liscense You will need this at some point of your vB owner career lol.

Step 8.5) - If you have run the keygen, CHMOD all files back to 644 and all folders back to 755. If you forget this step, the install will fail.

Step 9) Go to Go through all the steps.

Step 10) At step 13 of the instillation go onto your ftp> Go to install and see the file install.php remove it and thats you done guys and girls.

Have fun with your vBulletin and i hope everything works out for you on this tutorial.
Step 7.5 - If you have the keygen version, CHMOD all files and folders to 777. If you forget this step, the keygen will fail.

Step 8.5 - If you have run the keygen, CHMOD all files back to 644 and all folders back to 755. If you forget this step, the install will fail.
Yes i know Error 404 but thats a quick one mines the full one. I asked Hoxxy anyway.

And for you Oven go to public_html right click and click properties change the numbers to 7777 and click apply to all folders and files, Should work!