How to insert a missing element or modify an existing element?


New Member
I am working on XML & XSLT dynamic value has to generate.My XmL\[code\]<query> <one>testing1</one> <one>testing1</one></query>\[/code\]My Output Xml \[code\]<query> <one>testing1</one> <one>testing1</one> <sample>100</sample></query>\[/code\]XSLTI need to check(XSL:IF)whether sample element is available or not from Input XML if available 10% I have to remove % using XSLT then output will be 10. If there Is no element in XML(Sample) It has to create by default 100.Can we able to do this in XSLT is that possible.Can anyone help me out here pleaseRegardsM