How to increase the timeout of an XM:L call?


Staff member
Hello All,I am coding to an API library of a partner of ours. We send them informationthrough an XML feed, and they return a result set.The problem is, sometimes the response is delayed, and times out.There are many ways we are fixing this. One of them is to increase the timeout.Unfortunately, I don't know how. Below is a bit of the code we are using.Set objHTTPCnct = New XMLHTTP30objHTTPCnct.Open "POST", strAPIServerBase, FalseobjHTTPCnct.setRequestHeader strRequestHeader1, StrRequestHeader2objHTTPCnct.send XMLRequestStringstrResponse = objHTTPCnct.responseTextAs you can tell, we are using Microsofts MSXML v. 3.0. I just don't knowif the timeout is a property of the XML control (i.e. XMLHTTP30) or an IISproperty.Any help is greatly appreciated.Thanks,Justin Law