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Hello Friends,Nice to be here in OZZU fourms.Everyone is familiar with importance of backlinks.I was just thinking that how we can use the "allinurl:www.xyz.com " found information to conveting them into back links .My point is that when "allinur:www.xyz.com" expose the information which indicate that how many places sites appears /linked to .So why not to use this valuable inofomation to increase back linking ( link:www.xyz.com)Let us debate this little bit for everyone interest.Regards,Wouldn't this be the same as using the Alexa Toolbar or the Google Toolbar to look at the site's backlinks.I think probably I have not made the thigns clear.Let me make it more simple .At presentlink:www.pwim.com shows 365 entries in googleallinurl:www.pwim.com shows 517 entries in googleSince google has crawler 517 places so my point is that how the backlinking can be increased by the missing numbers (517-365 ) Are you getting me ?link and allinurl do two completely different things.allinurl:string, just displays any URL it knows about that has "string" in the URL line.That has nothing to do with backlinks. Even if they are all linkin to a single page, they may not all show up as backlinks due to their PR (or lack thereof).Axe wrote:I see where obiztek is trying to take this .... especially with the recent change in back links shown.The problem is that allinurl does not show all links either. For my site it is only the links that include the domain in the link text, like databases and directory links.allinurl doesn't have anything to do with links, just how many pages Google knows about that have the search query in the URL.If I do a search for allinurl:www.ozzu.comthen it's going to come up with the pages it knows about that exist at http://www.ozzu.com/, but it's also going to come up with any other pages that contain the string "www.ozzu.com".http://www.somesite.com/some/path/www.ozzu.com/Would also be a valid candidate for that search query. Nothing to do with links.I think you are not getting my point .Let me talk specific now .= > link:www.obiztek.com show 85 entrries in google= > allinurl:www.obiztek.com shows 364 entries in google. Following url ( which has PR4 ) is listed there http://www.obiztek.com/faqs_search-engi ... zation.asp( surpingly at present this URL is note listed in link:www.obiztek.com results due to which one linking I am loosing )So here my point is how to I can convert this into back linking.If we can do this that in a good way allinurl info can be used for analysis / incresing link.Regards,I don't think even you know your point I think all he is saying is that allinurl is another tool you can use to help find potential backlinks from your competitors sites for example. With that last update most people know that the regular backlink tool is really only showing a sample of a websites true backlinks (most PR4 and below). Using allinurl could be another tool used to find potential backlinks for your website (that may be left out from the sample backlinks). I think this is all he is saying. He isn't saying these are necessarily counted as backlinks to any website, just a tool to find more.Well said ... These days any source of link opportunities is welcomed.I know I've combed 5,000+ sites in my theme and decent sites are getting hard to find!Thank you Bigwebmaster , yes you have perfectly got my point that allinurl can be a useful source for finding potential backlinks. How to convert a potential backlink into true backlink is another point which I wanted to discuss.You could also just run a search in altavista for link:www.yourpage.comI have been getting much more results in altavista than google.What I am curious about is if there is any way to find all links with a certain key phraze in them linking to a specific site.Check out Google's Advanced Search Operators ...http://www.google.com/help/operators.htmlQuote:darksat: try thisAllinurl:"keyphrase" site:www.domain.comI think that's what you want....maybe?