How to incorporate an <HR> tag in a table?

I have a table, ideally, i would like the border="0".<br />
<br />
a record is consisted of 2 rows and several columns.<br />
<br />
what i want is a line after each record.<br />
<br />
This table is within a loop and is populated with data from the database.<br />
<br />
e.g.<br />
<br />
table header:<br />
row1(1)<br />
row1(2)<br />
<hr><br />
row2(1)<br />
row2(2)<br />
<hr><br />
row3(1)<br />
row3(2)<br />
<HR><br />
<br />
and so on and so forth..<br />
<br />
My code right now looks like,<br />
<table border="0"><br />
<TR><br />
<TH>HEADER1</TH><br />
<TH>HEADER2</TH><br />
<TH>HEADER3</TH><br />
<TH>HEADER4</TH><br />
<TH>HEADER5</TH><br />
<TH>HEADER6</TH><br />
<TH>HEADER7</TH><br />
<TH>HEADER8</TH><br />
<TH>HEADER9</TH><br />
</TR><br />
<br />
LOOP<br />
CODE...............(that populates the table)<br />
<br />
<TR><br />
<TD>DATA1</TD><br />
<TD>DATA2</TD><br />
<TD>DATA3</TD><br />
<TD>DATA4</TD><br />
<TD>DATA5</TD><br />
<TD>DATA6</TD><br />
<TD>DATA7</TD><br />
<TD>DATA8</TD><br />
<TD>DATA9</TD><br />
</TR><br />
<TR><br />
<TD>DATAa</TD><br />
<TD>DATAb</TD><br />
<TD>DATAc</TD><br />
<TD>DATAd</TD><br />
<TR><br />
<hr><br />
<br />
END LOOP<br />
</TABLE><br />
<br />
Basically, after each record(which consists of 2 rows, i want a horizontal line to seperate the records..)<br />
<br />
Any idea how can i do this.. this is very important to me, any help will be highly appreciated..<br />
THank you in advance.<!--content-->create another tr after 2 rows and in a tr create a td adn then put the hr element<!--content-->Add this line after each record set:<br />
<tr><td colspan="9"><hr size="1" width="100%" /></td></tr><!--content-->Thank you, Khalid Ali. IT WORKS!!<!--content-->