How to I calculate the height of visible?


New Member
I have a html page like the following model, when user is scrolling the page, how to I calculate the height of visible part of the #page1?\[code\]------------------------------------------------------- #heder (position: fixed; height: 100px, z-index: 10)------------------------------------------------------- visible zone ____________________________________________________ | | | #page1 (visible) | | | | (position: static; height: 1000px, z-Index: 0) | | |------------------------------------------------------- #footer (position: fixed; height: 50px, z-index: 10)------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | #page1 (invisible) | | | | | | | | | ____________________________________________________ | | | | | | | #page2 (invisible) | | | | (position: static; height: 700px, z-Index: 0) | | | | | | | | | | | ____________________________________________________\[/code\]