How to hide URLs?


Hi,<br />
This sounds suspect but I asure you it isn't. I have a survey form for our regular audience (we're a drama group). There are no links to it from the main website. I want make it available only on our emails generated by our mail shots.<br />
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Therefore, I don't want users to be able to add it to their favourites or bookmark it and I don't want the URL displayed onthe browser.<br />
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The only way I can think of is to send it to our mail list as an email with a return email address.<br />
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Is there any other legitimate way of doing this?<br />
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Many many thanks in advance.<!--content-->That's probably your best shot. There is NO WAY to hide the page location. You could make it an HTML email, though, and set up a page to process it.<!--content-->Im not sure if I'm getting exactly what you mean... but there are ways to hide the url bar and control most aspects of a window using java script...<br />
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on my site I have java script links for my design work, by using these I have removed everything from the browser window, except the document itself.<br />
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follow "designs" link @<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I hope this is useful to you in some way, and that I haven't just been barkin up the wrong tree!!<!--content-->As fijit said, you can control window properties through JavaScript, but only when you open a new window. Also, in Mozilla Firebird, you can get the URL by looking a the page info.<!--content-->Very true... Then I concur with PunkSktBrdr01. An HTML email would probably be the way to go... The draw back being that some people choose to read their emails in a txt based format.<!--content-->Why not use a script with validation to prevent double voting, or even prevent access based on IP or cookie settings? There are lots of much more secure ways of doing this... keep in mind that many of the JS tricks won't even work on older browsers, and can almost always be bypassed.<!--content-->