How to handle REQUEST in PHP


New Member
is there a class to handle \[code\]$_REQUEST\[/code\] that makes the life of a php developer easier?I want to handle the client requests easier.I dont want to test with \[code\]if(is_set($_REQUEST['blabla'])) {makesomthing();}\[/code\]I wish there could be a solution like this.\[code\]class rpclike{ public function getMember() { $memberid = $this->inputhandler['memberid']; $member = $this->memberclass->getmember($memberid); foreach($member as $mem) { echo $mem->id; } }}$rpc = new rpclike();\[/code\]then if i call the rpclike from a javascript like this\[code\]<a href="" onclick="GETURL("rpclike.php?getMember&memberid=22")">Get member</a>\[/code\]Which class can do something like that?