How to Handing EXTREMELY Large Strings in PHP When Generating a PDF

I've got a report that can generate over 30,000 records if given a large enough date range. From the HTML side of things, a resultset this large is not a problem since I implement a pagination system that limits the viewable results to 100 at a given time.My real problem occurs once the user presses the "Get PDF" button. When this happens, I essentially re-run the portion of the report that prints the data (the results of the report itself are stored in a 'save' table so there's no need to re-run the data-gathering logic), and store the results in a variable called \[code\]$html\[/code\]. Keep in mind that this variable now contains 30,000 records of data plus the HTML needed to format it correctly on the PDF. Once I've got this HTML string created, I pass it to TCPDF to try and generate the PDF file for the user. However, instead of generating the PDF file, it just craps out without an error message (the 'Generating PDf...') dialog disappears and the system acts like you never asked it to do anything.Through tests, I've discovered that the problem lies in the size of the \[code\]$html\[/code\] variable being passed in. If the report under 3K records, it works fine. If it's over that, the HTML side of the report will print but not the PDF.Helpful Info
  • PHP 5.3
  • TCPDF for PDF generation (also tried PS2PDF)
  • Script Memory Limit: 500 MB
How would you guys handle this scale of data when generating a PDF of this size?