How to give a dynamic name for an XML file while creating XML


New Member
I am a new to Programming. I am creating a XML file using windows forms and the name of my XML file is the name field text-box text of windows forms, Its working fine but if the file is already available i want to give new name but i am able to give different name only once. For example if 'dog.xml' is already there then i am able to create dog1.xml file then whenever i am creating any new file the content of the 'dog1.xml' file replaced with new file content but i want to create 'dog11.xml' or 'dog2.xml' file\[code\]private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ path = rtxtName.Text + ".xml";//name of a xml file is name of WPF 'name' field doc = new XmlDocument(); //Here i am creating the xmldocument object doc.CreateTextNode(path); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path))//if there is no file exists then { CreateNewXMLDoc(); } else { path = rtxtName.Text + "1.xml"; //If the file is already avaliable CreateNewXMLDoc(); }}public void CreateNewXMLDoc() //This method is for creating my xml file{ XmlDeclaration declaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "yes"); XmlComment comment = doc.CreateComment("This is a generated XML file"); doc.AppendChild(declaration); doc.AppendChild(comment); doc.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("root"));}\[/code\]