\[code\]final SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();final Document xml = builder.build( file );final Element root = (Element) xml.getRootElement();Element child = root.getChild("Header", Namespace.getNamespace("http://www.editeur.org/icedis/claims"));final XPathContext ctx = XPathContext.create(root);\[/code\]This is the code I have. XPathContext is just wrapper around JXPathContext. As you see, 'child' variable using construction with Namespace and it won't work if I remove it. But now I'm trying to get value from XML with XPath like this\[code\]ctx.getValue("/Header/SentDateTime")\[/code\]And, ofcourse it always return null. It seems that solution is simple, but I can't find it in the internet. If I delete xmlns from XML file, everything will work, but this isn't an option. So how should I work with this xml?Also, short version of XML file:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ICEDISClaimMessage version="0.1" xmlns="http://www.editeur.org/icedis/claims"> <Header> <Sender> <SenderIdentifier> <SenderIDType>06</SenderIDType> <IDValue>1234567890128</IDValue> </SenderIdentifier> <SenderName>Apogee Agency</SenderName> </Sender> <Addressee> <AddresseeIdentifier> <AddresseeIDType>06</AddresseeIDType> <IDValue>2345678901237</IDValue> </AddresseeIdentifier> </Addressee> <MessageNumber>111</MessageNumber> <SentDateTime>20101001</SentDateTime> <MessageNote>Sample file 1: a claim made by an agent to a publisher for a journal issue not yet delivered</MessageNote> </Header></<ICEDISClaimMessage>\[/code\]