how to get value of all selected checkbox?


Hello there,

I am using ASP.NET with C# and facing below problem. I am not able to get values of selected checkboxes which are generated dynamically.
Pls have a look at the image attached with the message...

Waiting for your reply....

PareshThe text is kind of hard to read, any chance of a bigger res version?

And do they have to be dynamic? Alot easier if they arn't

And finally, if they must be check out an existing thread:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... =81974What</a><!-- m --> type of database are you using to build your dynamic controls?Dear Friend,

I had mentioned each step in the attached image file with text description.

Well I am using ASP.Net with C#. DB is MS-SQL Server 2000.

Control are created smoothly, even I got value by typing each control's ID with Response.Form["..ID.."], but how to execute this in a loop, when I don't know how many checkboxes are generated on a page ?

Will you please tell me is there anyway to country checkboxes with C#.

Thanking You,