How To Get The Forms To Work?


Hello,<br /><br />I am new to TCH. I was told CGI E-mail and Formmail are not great tools anymore as compared to PHP. I am not a programmer. What to type in after the commands in the code below to make my form work on TCH server using the PHP mail?<br /><br /><FORM NAME="download_request"<br />ACTION="/cgi-bin/[email protected]"<br />METHOD=POST><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="TO" VALUE="[email protected]"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SUBJECT" VALUE="free_trial"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="ACC_NAME" VALUE="[email protected]"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="success_url" VALUE=""><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="success_template" VALUE=""><br /><br />Thank you in advance.<!--content-->
Hi John,<br /><br />I would highly recommend checking out <a href="" target="_blank">PHP FormMail</a>. It includes a wizard type setup (basically a easy form) to build the forms and is very simple to understand. It's also much more secure than CGI FormMails and the such <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> is the PHP form mail I would recommend.<!--content-->
Ultimate Form Mail Script is also good. I like the above one because it's so simple..makes it easy to make your forms, even validate info and such. but either one will work. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Gentlemen,<br /><br />You are great. Rock Sign <br />I will go back to Formmail for now. I read PHM manual but did not understand anything. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" /> <br />I use NetObject Fusion v7, which is a software that generates html code, to make my web site and everything I know stops there. Fusion does all the forms for me and all that is needed is just to type in the hosting company server paths.<br />Let me see if I can read about TCH formmail settings. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /><!--content-->
Hello again,<br /><br />In the meantime I learnt that TCH does not support CGI E-mail and Formmail anymore. So I am back to PHP Form mailer.<br />I followed the links above and succeeded <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /> to make a basic form <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />I can of course develop the form to include other fields according to my purposes and finally I will have a link at my web site pointing to something like the link above.<br /><br />Problem is that I do not want to link my web site to another web site for form processing.<br />I need no PHP form because my html editor software, Fusion v.7, generates the forms for me. What I don't know is what extensions or paths shall I use with TCH to make information collected at my web site be sent out to my e-mail.<br />Once I know them, I just type them in Fusion and then Fusion does the trick for me.<br /><br />And the correct answer is ...<!--content-->
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I need no php form because my html editor software, Fusion v.7, generates the forms for me. What I don't know is what extensions or paths shall I use with TCH to make information collected at my web site be sent out to my e-mail.<br />Once I know them, I just type them in Fusion and then Fusion does the trick for me.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />I'm not familiar with Fusion v.7 but I know quite a bit about programmer, scripts, and forms. I wrote Ultimate Form Mail Script... but even if you don't use it, I want you to understand what has to happen in order for you to accomplish your task.<br /><br />It's not always as easy as just providing you with an 'extension' to plug into your form.<br /><br />If Fusion v.7 works with Frontpage extensions, then you might be able to get what you are looking for. I'm not familiar with Frontpage either since I don't use it... so maybe someone else can chime in on that topic.<br /><br />Otherwise, you're going to have to tell your form to post to a page that uses some sort of server side code to parse the data, validate, and then send you the email. This could be php, cgi, asp (only on select servers), cold fusion (not avail), or some other server side code.<br /><br />There are a bazillion server side scripts at or you can use my <a href="" target="_blank">Ultimate Form Mail Script</a><!--content-->
Jack,<br /><br />Hearty thank you Thumbs Up for your programming the Ultimate Form Mail script and for replying in here.<br />I know nothing about programming other than Excle-like codes which I do in my charting software, but that's another story.<br /><br />Yes, Fusion works like FrontPage. As you see in my initial request, my present hosting company has a standard cgi-bin/gen-form? feature on their servers. Fusion gives me the choice of making a 'form', select ACTION, and type cgi-bin/[email protected] and a few other fields (like name, email, comments, etc.) That's all.<br /><br />I am sure if TCH had Formmail still on, my problem would have been solved by now.<br /><br />Now how to make my code work with your Ultimate tool?<!--content-->
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Fusion gives me the choice of making a 'form', select ACTION, and type cgi-bin/[email protected]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />You want to avoid putting your email in your html of the form if you can avoid it. Otherwise, spam software will pull it out of your code (which is visible in your html) and start sending you spam.<br /><br />By script is a code which enables you to add your email to the php code in a way that others can't see the exact email address. You can specify multiple addresses, upload several files, or even have a drop down list of recipients in your form.<br /><br />What you do is download the files, then upload them to your server (in binary form). You might want to change the name of the main directory... but other than that, you only have to change your email address in one of the files you upload.<br /><br />It might seem a bit overwhelming at first, but it's actually really easy.<br /><br />And if you get stuck, I have a help forum where I answer questions and provide assistance.<br /><br />But don't feel compelled to use my code. There are lots out there.<!--content-->
Hello,<br /><br />Thank you all for your assistance. Thank you Jack for your good work.<br /><br />I decided to move on and cancelled my account with TCH. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":dance:" border="0" alt="kicking.gif" /> <br /><br />I am impressed by your work Jack! You cannot make programs, like your Ultimate Form Mailer and distribute them for free. You must get paid for your work.<br /><br />I discovered that my html editor software Fusion (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) offers<br />form mailing services by third parties.<br />Go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> >> <br />Go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />Go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, they don't advertise the service, but in Fusion you can connect to a special page where you can subscribe for US$19.95/year.<br /><br />So Jack, I want to hear that you got yourself well connected like the guy at bitmotion and coolmaps and start earning some nice $$$.<br />You deserve it!<br /><br />All the very best and Happy New Year to all of you!<br /><br />John<!--content-->
I'm sad, and surprised, to see you go.<br /><br />Best of luck to you.<!--content-->