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I have a \[code\]DropDownList\[/code\] which i am binding on page load. i dont have any buttons or anything. as soon as user selects the value in dropdown i need to show that value in label. i am not sure why this is not working. please help.\[code\]public string SelectedStore { get; set; }protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ if (!Page.IsPostBack) { BindStoresList(); }} protected void BindStoresList() { storeDDList.AppendDataBoundItems = true; storeDDList.Items.Add(new ListItem("Select store", "-1")); TempCollection stores = TempDataSource.LoadForCriteria("ALL", "Code ASC"); storeDDList.DataSource = stores; storeDDList.DataTextField = "DisplayName"; storeDDList.DataValueField = "Code"; storeDDList.DataBind(); } protected void storeDDList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedStore = storeDDList.SelectedValue.ToString(); selectedItem.Text = SelectedStore; }\[/code\]I dont need any kind of jquery stuff as i am going to add gridview which binds depending on the value of dropdown.. EDITS *if i set \[code\]AutoPostBack=True\[/code\] then on page refresh my DropDownList doesn't bind at all as you can see in Page_Load Method, it will not call \[code\]BindStoresList()\[/code\] method.