Hi all i am working on webapi here i i had uploaded images and when uploaded the images i had another method to get the path of uploaded images so i had creaged method for getimagepath but when retriving response from it it sosen't work could u plz chek and show me to how to retrive response from ithere my controllers\[code\] public Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post() { // Verify that this is an HTML Form file upload request if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent("form-data")) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType); } var uploadFolder = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data"); uploadFolder = Path.Combine(uploadFolder, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff")); Directory.CreateDirectory(uploadFolder); // Create a stream provider for setting up output streams that saves the output under "~/App_Data" // If you want full control over how the stream is saved then derive from MultipartFormDataStreamProvider // and override what you need. var streamProvider = new PreserveFilenameMultipartFileStreamProvider(uploadFolder); return Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(streamProvider).ContinueWith(t => { foreach (var uploadedFile in Directory.GetFiles(uploadFolder)) { var firstSize = Path.Combine(uploadFolder, "bigsize-" + Path.GetFileName(uploadedFile)); var large = Path.Combine(uploadFolder, "large-" + Path.GetFileName(uploadedFile)); var medium = Path.Combine(uploadFolder, "medium-" + Path.GetFileName(uploadedFile)); var submedium = Path.Combine(uploadFolder, "smedium-" + Path.GetFileName(uploadedFile)); var thumbnail = Path.Combine(uploadFolder, "thumb-" + Path.GetFileName(uploadedFile)); ImageTools.Resize(uploadedFile, firstSize, 500, 500); ImageTools.Resize(uploadedFile, large, 250, 250); ImageTools.Resize(uploadedFile, submedium, 150, 150); ImageTools.Resize(uploadedFile, thumbnail, 100, 100); ImageTools.Resize(uploadedFile, medium, 50, 50); } Getimage(uploadFolder); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted); // Getimages(uploadFolder); }); } public static string Getimage(string url) { return url; }\[/code\]here my layout page \[code\]<script type="text/javascript"> $('#btnUpload').click(function () { $("#Imageprint").html("Uploading