How to get related posts using PHP and MySQL


New Member
What is the best way to get related posts using PHP and MySQL? The second question is how would I get the top 5 related posts from by comparing tags and categories from each post. My MySql tables are listed below.\[code\]CREATE TABLE categories ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, parent_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, category VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX parent (parent_id),UNIQUE KEY(parent_id, url));CREATE TABLE posts_tags (id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,tag_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,users_posts_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));CREATE TABLE tags (id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,tag VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));CREATE TABLE users_posts (id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,user_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,title TEXT NOT NULL,posts_content LONGTEXT NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));\[/code\]