I've a search field where user can key in their ID to get user details. To get the result, user need to press Go button. How can i get the result just by hitting Enter key? any help please? thank youhere is my simple code:\[code\]<form name="viewStatus" method="post" action="viewStatus.php" onsubmit="return(validate(event));"> <div align="center"> <p align="center">[Please enter your Staff/IC number to view application status]<br> </p> <table width="477" border="0"> <tr bgcolor="#99FF99"> <td width="142"> Staff ID/IC Number</td> <td width="15"><div align="center">:</div></td> <td width="267"><div align="right"> <input name="staffid" type="text" id="staffid" maxlength="12" size="40" onkeypress='validateNum(event)' /> </div></td> <td width="35"><div align="center"> <input type="submit" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13785727/Go" /> </div></td> </table> <br><br> <tr bgcolor="#99FF99"> <td><div align="center"><a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13785727/main.html" style="text-decoration: none">[Back to Main Menu]</a></div></td> </tr> </form>\[/code\]