How to get more rebounding traffic?


New Member
Im trying to increase the number of views on my site by adding something interactive that makes them come back multiple times in a day. Im thinking a chatbox or forums but Im mainly scared of tons of my competitors advertising on there. And theres no real way to stop this except appoint moderators, but I might pick a bad moderator that might allow these people to advertise. Make good content and then you visitors maybe come back! There are tons of sticky programs available...
A forum might do the trick..... Im kinda a noob compared to some of you. No idea how to put a forums right on a Wordpress blog site. Not even sure if thats legal.

What sticky programs are there? How can i find them? in order to get good rebounding traffic on your website, you should go with fresh and unique contents, Due to that your website visitors come back. Here's a couple of helpful articles:

FYI, content does have the highest impact for visitors, and customized 404 pages does work! what is rebounding link? please explain . Add interesting information in your website. The key to success is quality and useful information Offering games is a good source of repeat traffic :-) Facebook boomed because they offer fun games.. good content and good seo High quality content
High quality advertising for publicity.