How to get Hierarchy Node levels of a Telerik treeview


New Member
Hi I am populating an dynamic XML file into telerik treeview as hierarchy tree view as below.\[code\]Modules //root node* Organization //Parent node *Policy //Child of Organization *Transports* Employess *Salary* Rewards *Winners\[/code\]When i am going to select Modules-> Organization -> Policy , I want to get this hierarchy in my client event but Now I am getting the last node value only as "Policy". I want to get the full path of this herarchy. And my client event code is: \[code\] function onSelect(e) { debugger; var tv = $('#HierarchyView').data('tTreeView'); var file = tv.getItemValue(e.item); // Here I am getting the last node name as "Policy", I want to get it as Modules-> Organization -> Policy var nodeElement = e.item; }\[/code\]Can anyone please tell me the way to get that Hierarchy? Its Urgent.Thanks.