How to get data from an array using get_user_meta()


New Member
I have created a custom user profile field\[code\]<?php $basics = get_the_author_meta( 'fbasics', $user->ID ); ?> <ul> <li><input value="" name="fbasics[]" <?php if (is_array($basics)) { if (in_array("lesson1", $basics)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } }?> type="checkbox" /> <?php _e('Lesson 1', 'gprofile'); ?></li> <li><input value="" name="fbasics[]" <?php if (is_array($basics)) { if (in_array("lesson2", $basics)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } }?> type="checkbox" /> <?php _e('Lesson 2', 'gprofile'); ?></li> </ul>\[/code\]I now need to use the data on the front end of wordpress to display information. I think I need to use the get_user_meta() function but I do not understand how to use is to get the value of an array.How to get data from an array using get_user_meta()?