How to get content from array


New Member
I'm total newbie to PHP and Drupal but I fix this simple(?) thingo on my template. I want to get title, date, text and link path from this array? I can't get it out of there. I think its because its in inside of another array and because im noob in PHP I cant get it out of there ? Also I would like to get it to a loop. If theres more content, I would get it as a list or something. I would use foreach for this? Like foreach $contents as $content and so on?I get this output from this: \[code\]var_dump($contents);\[/code\]\[code\]array'total' => string '1' (length=1)'data' => array 0 => array 'cid' => string '13231' (length=3) 'title' => string 'TITLEBLABLABLA' (length=3) 'body_text' => string 'TEXTBLABLABAL' (length=709) 'created' => string '313131' (length=10) 'created' => string '2010-07-13 14:12:11' (length=19) 'path' => string '' (length=72)\[/code\]