How to get attribute values if they are not equal to some values?


New Member
I have a xml like:\[code\]<movies> <movie name="aaa"> ... </movie> <movie name="bbb"> ... </movie> <movie name="ccc"> ... </movie> <movie name="ddd"> ... </movie> <movie name="eee"> ... </movie></movies>\[/code\]I would like to get the name of the movie if it is not 'aaa', or 'bbb', or 'ddd'. So I would like my output to be:\[code\]ccceee\[/code\]Because I have several restrictions, I don't think it's suitable to use 'xsl:if'..I wrote my xslt like (I'm using xslt 1.0):\[code\]<xsl:value-of select="movies/movie/@name[not(self::aaa) and not(self::bbb) and not(self:ddd)]"/>\[/code\]But the compiler complained there is a syntax error in this sentence..and I can't figure out why..So could anybody help me with this? Many thanks!!