I'm trying to create a web page to create small playlists. Once data has been entered into the fields, it needs to be saved to an XML file. Currently the table looks like this:\[code\]<%-- song list table --%><table runat="server" id="table" class="table"><%-- info row --%><thead> <tr> <td>Song Title</td> <td>Song Artist</td> <td>Song Album</td> <td><%-- column for delete button --%></td> </tr></thead><%-- input rows --%><tbody> <tr> <td><input runat="server" placeholder="Title" type="text" /></td> <td><input runat="server" placeholder="Artist" type="text" /></td> <td><input runat="server" placeholder="Album" type="text" /></td> <td> <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13828516/#"> <img src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13828516/Images/Delete.png" onmouseover="this.src='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13828516/Images/Delete-Hover.png'" onmouseout="this.src='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13828516/Images/Delete.png'" alt="Delete" /> </a> </td> </tr></tbody></table>\[/code\]New rows will be added dynamically with jQuery. When the user clicks save, I need to write the table data into their specific XML file. Currently my backend code looks like this:\[code\]//for each rowforeach (HtmlTableRow row in table.Rows){ //create row info textWriter.WriteStartElement("Row"); //for each cell foreach (HtmlTableCell element in row.Cells) { //get inputs //write current input to xml } //close row textWriter.WriteEndElement();}\[/code\]My question is where I go from there with my code to be able to get the values of each input and write them to the XML.