I need to find the correct .offset()-position of a tabled TD-elements within a Drupal7-generated HTML-site (jQuery_update installed). I use\[code\] $('#contenttable td').each(function(){ console.log($(this).offsetParent()); console.log($(this).offset().left); });\[/code\]within my \[code\]jQuery(function($) { //$(document).ready(function(){\[/code\]of my script.js to get the offset().left-position but the console allways traces me '0' for all TDs.When I use the Safari Developer Console the output of\[code\]jQuery('#contenttable td:nth-child(2)').offset().left\[/code\]is '1728', so it seems to work at all. But why doesn't it work from within my DOCUMENT.READY? The .offsetParent() is BODY by the way... And changing some of the parents DIV's position to absolute or relative didn't give any change, too.THNX!edit: seems not to work for any element at all.