How to get a css stylesheet value that is not interpreted by the browswer?


New Member
I would like to get a value of the css stylesheet that is not actually used by the browser during rendering.For instance:\[code\].blur { data : "Great";}\[/code\]Let us say I use this class on a div as such:\[code\]<div class = "blur"></div>\[/code\]What I tried and does NOT work.\[code\]$(".blur").css("data");\[/code\]Expected Output\[code\]Great\[/code\]EDIT: Sorry, I didn't mention this before, seems to be causing some confusion now. But please read this! As I stated in the comment below and would like to emphasize, I have made the algorithm for generating a some text shadow on Internet Explorer---not the best algorithm, but still does the trick. However, I am trying to access the text-shadow attribute of a certain element but I can't since Internet Explorer doesn't store it since it doesn't really render it in the first place so I need to access the stylesheet data. So the question which I asked is again accessing "data" which too isn't stored just like textShadow for IE8, IE9.