I have been trying to get my C# variables values communicate with my HTML code through JavaScript the last couple of days, and now I have this HTML code which I would like to change through the value from C# upon page load. Upon page load I would like to set the css width value of the SPAN through JavaScript from my c# variable value. The progressBarPercentage SPAN is the one I would like the set the CSS Width, since that's how my jQuery Progress Bar would like the values. The width would be as a percentage, therefore on it's own this would work:\[code\]<span id="progressBarPercentage" style="width: 40%"></span>\[/code\]But this is what I am trying to do:HTML\[code\] <div id="progressBarArea" class="progress-bar orange stripes"> <asp:Label ID="progressBarText" runat="server" Visible="true" Text="49%" CssClass="progressBarText"></asp:Label> <span id="progressBarPercentage" onload="setProgressBarPercentage()"></span> <p class="align-center">Points Until Next Level: <asp:Label id="pointsUntilNextLevelLabel" runat="server" Text="0" CssClass="pointsUntilNextLevelLabel"></asp:Label></p> </div>\[/code\]C# \[code\] protected double percentageLevelComplete { get; set; }\[/code\]JavaScript\[code\]<script type="text/javascript"> function setProgressBarPercentage(){ var element = document.getElementById("progressBarPercentage"); element.style.width = <%=percentageLevelComplete%> + "%"; }</script>\[/code\]Is what I am doing the right way to go? If so, what am I doing wrong since this is not working at the moment.