New Member
How can i generate graph dynamically? I have a below script which will generate graph but this is static.I want dynamic graph generation, which will take data from a file which contain id,error, and date..\[code\]1 error1 2013-jan-132 error1 2013-jan-153 error1 2013-jan-154 error2 2012-dec-5\[/code\]And count the no of error(error2 occured in jan is 2 and error1 is one) according to the month and put the data in the graph( no of times error occured vs month). But the below code is only for static how can i make my code a dynamic. As i am new to it so i don't know.\[code\]<script type="text/javascript" src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14577838/jscharts.js"></script></head><body><div id="graph">Loading...</div><script type="text/javascript"> var myData = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14577838/new Array(['jan', 100, 520], ['Feb', 322, 390], ['dec', 233, 286]); var myChart = new JSChart('graph', 'bar'); myChart.setDataArray(myData); myChart.setTitle('Graph'); myChart.setTitleColor('#8E8E8E'); myChart.setAxisNameX(''); myChart.setAxisNameY(''); //Remaining code ......//\[/code\]