How to Fix this...


New Member
Okay really I have no idea if I should even post this kind of thing here or if I posted in the wrong area but either way I REALLY just need an answer...

Okay so I set up a BBCode

Like this
Title: Codes
BBcode Tag: Codes
<div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px"> 
	<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Code:</div> 
	<pre class="alt2" dir="ltr" style="
                margin: 0px;
                padding: 6px;
                border: 1px inset;
                width: 500px;
                height: {$blockheight}px;
                text-align: left;
                overflow: auto">{param}</pre> 

Remove Tag If Empty	
Yes  No
Disable BB Code Within This BB Code	
Yes  No
Disable Smilies Within This BB Code	
Yes  No
Disable Word Wrapping Within This BB Code	
Yes  No
And when I use this bbcode it does this...


Now you may think thats normal...but its adding a enter or line break in it when it shouldn't be...which is very annoying...Basically in that image there should only be one line break or enter between the sentences..but its added another one...and I can't figure it out..

It should look like this


(I removed all the enters inside the code so it looks like this but I'd rather not have to do that)
I don't use the old
 tag because it automaticaly does the bbcode inside of it when I don't want it to..and I've searched and searched for how to fix that but I don't know if you can also tell me that, that'd be great...

So like I want is if you can tell me how to just alter the [code] tag so that like if I go

[code][b]TEST OR W/E[/ b][/ code]      (Without the spaces)

it doesn't do this

[code][b]TEST OR W/E[/b]

I want inside of the code box to have the TEST OR W/E[/ b] part...not it automatically already bolded.
....Yeah I want it EASY to use for ALL members..though without them having to know to do that won't really work...
make the new bbcode [CODE2] or something else other that
 its probably conflicting with original ok so I here you saying 

"but then members will hit the normal code by mistake which I dont want"

you can turn original off from admincp...:) but still use the img for your version
I do have a second Code tag in the custom BBCodes...its talked [Codes] The one that comes default by VB is
, I made one called [CODES]..and I've turned off the original [CODE] one so they can't use it..but I have it set up it doesn't convert the BBcode inside of the [CODES] tag but it adds an extra line break or enter in the code even if I didn't press enter
Ugh one here has some good understanding of code that can be like oh wow its just this one little piece of code thats messing it up..=/