how to find Radnotification id insidet the javascript file function


New Member
I am using radcontrols in my porject and i want to restrict the radTextboxes should not allow the Special Characters so i am using script function inside my aspx page it is working properly, But i want to use this in entire project so i want to maintain a javascript file from that i want to use that function so help me on this how to pass textbox id and notification id to function. Here is my codeaspxscript file \[code\]function valueChangedHandler(sender, eArgs) {alert("Done"); var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$/; var value =; var matchArray = value.match(pattern); if (matchArray == null) { var notification = $find("<%=lblNotification.ClientID %>"); notification.set_text('Enter AlphaNumerics Only!');; sender.clear(); sender.focus(); exit(); }}\[/code\]notification code\[code\] <telerik:RadNotification runat="server" BorderColor="Black" BorderStyle="Solid" BackColor="ActiveBorder" BorderWidth="4" EnableRoundedCorners="true" EnableShadow="true" ID="lblNotification" Position="BottomRight" ShowCloseButton="true" Opacity="90" Title="Result" VisibleTitlebar="False"> </telerik:RadNotification>\[/code\]above is working properly but i am not getting notification message so tell me how to pass notification id. with a small example.