How to Find Dofollow Blogs to Do Blog Commenting?


New Member
I know blog commenting is an effective way to increase Page Rank and boost keyword ranking, but I have no idea on how to find the most related and dofollow blogs to do this job. Any advice? Dofollow blog commenting is definitely an effective way to generate traffic as well as rank your keyword. Search on Google "list of do follow blogs" or "Do follow blog comment" you will get huge list of such blogs. Quote: Originally Posted by fannychou If you really want to know then right click on any blog page and look for anchor tags like this: <a ... /> . If it has a "no follow" attribute within the open and closing anchor tags then it is a no follow blog. There are usually some links in the internet that publish a group of bloggers that installed dofollow comment plugins to their blogs. You can sure find them via Google. Try "do follow blogs" as your keyphrase.
Search in google with this phrase "your keyword name + add comments" you will get more blog related to your niche for commenting. Best of luck...... you can find in source code of blog that whether it has nofollow tag or not by viewsource. The answer is research and research and reserach.

When you get new website for doing some useful blog comment for getting some traffic and backlinks from them.

You should research first, research contain:

Does blog relevant to your niche
Does blog has high traffic amount
Blog reputation
and then do follow and no follow

checking no follow attribute tag

Goto any specific post, press ctr+u find link and check is there any rel="no follow" tag


Just download a firefox seo plugin and it will highlight all no follow links I think blog commenting is definitely an effective way to generate traffic as well as rank your keyword. Search on Google "list of do follow blogs" or "Do follow blog comment" you will get huge list of such blogs.
Search for the niche sites. Check the previous comments with any tool that they or do-follow or no-follow. And then go ahead.