I am pretty new to jquery, I've went over a few examples on W3Schools and then googled my question but didn't find an answer that meets my requirements...Anyway, I have a repeater that shows linkbuttons horizontally. Needless to say, each time, different amount of such linkbuttons is loaded to the repeater.Here's the Repeater I'm using:\[code\] <div style="position: relative"> <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="repStatuses" onitemdatabound="repStatuses_ItemDataBound" onitemcommand="repStatuses_ItemCommand"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="linkBtnStatuses" runat="server" CommandName="ShowText" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("Priority") + ";" + Eval("LevelID") + ";" + Eval("ID") %>'> <div runat="server" id="divSts" class="fontAriel"></div> </asp:LinkButton> </ItemTemplate> </asp:Repeater> </div>\[/code\]I want to create the effect of Fade In using Jquery so that each linbutton will be faded in after the previous had faded in as well... but I don't know how to combine the jquery code with the RepeaterItem LinkButton.Here's the jquery example code I want my application to look like:\[code\]<script>$(document).ready(function(){ $("button").click(function(){ $("#d1").fadeIn(2000); $("#d2").fadeIn(3000); $("#d3").fadeIn(6000); });});</script></head><body><p>Demonstrate fadeIn() with different parameters.</p><button>Click to fade in boxes</button><br><br><div id="d1" style="width:80px;height:80px;display:none;background-color:red;"></div><br><div id="d2" style="width:80px;height:80px;display:none;background-color:green;"></div><br><div id="d3" style="width:80px;height:80px;display:none;background-color:blue;"></div></body></html>\[/code\]Theoretically, I've thought of something of that kind (pseudo code\[code\]protected void repStatuses_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e){ if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { LinkButton lnkButton = (e.Item.FindControl("linkBtnStatuses")) as LinkButton; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "tmp", "<script type='text/javascript'>myFunction(" + lnkButton + ");</script>", false); }}\[/code\]HTML:\[code\] <script type="text/javascript"> function myFunction(param){ $(document).ready(function(){ $(this).??????(function(){ ("#<%=linkBtnStatuses.ClientID%>").FadeIn(time); }); }); });</script>\[/code\]and in that way, each LinkButton will be faded.. (something tells me that this solution is impossible)I need guidance but any help'd be much appreciated.Thanks in advance