How to export SQL Server 2000 data into XML file


Staff member
I'm a complete newbie to this idea, but this is what I'd like to do.

I want to export data from SQL Server 2000 DB table into an already existing XML file. I'd like to do so using a Stored Procedure, which I would then add to a scheduled job.

I've been messing with the built-in Data Transformation jobs within SQL Server 2000 with some success. I'm able to export table data into an XML file like this:
CREATE TABLE B:\sample.xml (
id integer (12) NOT NULL,
fname varchar (10) NULL,
lname varchar (10) NULL

The output looks like this:

1 Joe Schmo
2 John Doe

This is the output that I'd like to end up with:




or this:

<sample id="1">

<sample id="2">


Any information or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.