How to encrypt PHP scripts<


Hello, I need 2 know how can I encrypt a piece of PHP code.

If need Zend-encode how to find it. (There's a free way?)


Newby Rodolfoyes zend-encoder. and no there is no free way. also remember taht the user or whomever runs it has to have the decoder. Zend Optimizer? is free, you just have to buy the encoder.

what is so important that you have to encode it?

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, why would you want to encode it? People can't view the code by doing a view source anyway. Maybe there's a way that I'm not aware of..Thank 2 all of you, I just want 2 encode the key I use 2 encrypt and decrypt a CC # on a don't need an encoder to do that. just encrypt it with md5() or salt().

besides, there shouldn't be any instanse where you have to mess with a credit card number in php, very insecure.