How to embed a property as a string argument in soapUI


New Member
I have recently started using soapui to test web services and fairly new. I was wondering how to embed a property value as a string in the request. For example the request is like below\[code\]<org:Customer org1:Description="customer" org1:DisplayName="google" org1:Name="google"/>\[/code\]Essentially I am looking to do this something like this,\[code\]<org:Customer org1:Description=${#Project#orgdesc} org1:DisplayName=${#Project#orgdisplayname} org1:Name=${#Project#orgdisplayname}/>\[/code\]I have properties defined for all of the fields above at the project level for parameterizing my test. I am trying to embed these properties within the request. I tried following things but none of them work. Can someone please let me know what I am missing?Edit#1I think I am not doing the right thing below. Because in the original request above, Description, DisplayName and Name are the attributes of Customer and I sending the request by making them as child nodes below. It seems fundamentally incorrect. Then how do I embed value of the properties I defined within attributes of a tag?Attempt 1\[code\] <org:Customer> <arg0> <org1:Description>${#Project#orgdesc}</org1:Description> <org1:DisplayName>${#Project#orgdisplayname}</org1:DisplayName> <org1:Name>${#Project#orgname}</org1:Name> </arg0> </org:Customer>\[/code\]Attempt 2\[code\] <org:Customer> <org1:Description> <arg0>${#Project#orgdesc}</arg0> </org1:Description> <org1:DisplayName> <arg0>${#Project#orgdisplayname}</arg0> </org1:DisplayName> <org1:Name> <arg0>${#Project#orgname}</arg0> </org1:Name> </org:Customer>\[/code\]