How to edit link that show modal box in jQuery


New Member
I have a problem where I try to show a modal box, it's when I append some a href="" links to my that is on my index page.I have this in my jQuery script:\[code\]$(document).ready(function(){ $('a').click(function () { // Dialog $("#feed"+$(this).attr('id')).dialog({ bgiframe: true, width: 400, modal: true }); return false; });});\[/code\]And this is the link I have on the index page:\[code\]<p><a href="" id="0">Feed 0</a></p>\[/code\]If I add the links on the index page it works, but if I empty my div and post new links without any reload they stop to work. No modal box shows, how can I make the jQuery get that the links are there even if they apere after the document is loaded?I need a jQuery function that allows me to add links after the document has been loaded.Thanks in AdvanceDaniel