How To Edit A .dll File


Staff member
Hi all,

I am trying to look into a .dll file as I have been lumped with a site which uses ASP .NET to connect to a MySQL database, and I need to see the datasource files, anyone have any idea?A dll has been compiled, so you can either decompile it (not quite sure how one does this) or you will need the source code, so you can edit it and re-compile it.datasource file? You can decomplile dll's with ease, you can also view the IL in a text editor. If it has licensing or some other means of locking there are methods for those also.

dimeric, is not compiled in the "traditional" meaning of the word.I thought that if you produce a dll ( or just for any old windows progam) then it is compiled like an exe so couldn't be accessed (without some sort of reverse engineering).Yes and no for, its compiled to "IL" intermedate language. Which is the meta data for the application, and the uncompiled code. it uses JIT, Just in Time compiling on the first request of the page.Oh yeah i get how ASP.NET compiles stuff to IL, but if you reference a dll (with some BLL stuff in for example) is that then decompiled and then recompiled to IL? Assuming the dll was written just as some class library in c# or dll's which would be the only ones in the App_Code directory or referenced in the Web.Config (actually reside in GAC). Are compiled the same manner in which pages are, however unless you can read Assembly then its not advisable to even attempt decompiling the code. Even though its in IL doesn;t mean the instructions aren;t optimized for Assembly. The meta data in the file actually descibes security and other aspects of the code, IE custom attributes applied to the function/class.