How to draw in HTML?


Hi everybody,<br />
I am new to html design and I am working on a project for my self involving servlet and html. I wanted to use a servlet that I will create to create an html page that has a pie chart in it. This pie chart will change depending on the information received by the servlet. My question is:<br />
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How do you generate a drawing of a circle or a pie graph in html? I am very new to html, if you guys have any other suggestions to where I can go to get the information that I need, please let me know. Thanks<!--content-->you can't.<br />
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html is hyperTEXT markup language... its basically just for formatting text.<br />
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you can, however, use some graphic that dynamically changes depending on user input. for dynamic web pages you'll need to do server-side scripts. i'm not exactly sure how to generate that pie chart (maybe a script that generates binary data in the form of a gif file). but i can tell you that what you intend to do is pretty high end (not for the beginner). Maybe someone else here can help you.<!--content-->