How to download all posts of phpBB3 forum if I am not admin? [closed]


New Member
I am used to post my ideas on one forum and started to worry that I will loose them if it gets closed. Do you know a good way to download entire (ideas of other guys are also nice!) phpBB3 forum to a database? Is there software already available, or I have to write it myself?UPDATE1:Well, I can write it myself - this is not that hard problem, isn't it? I just don't want to waste time on inventing bicycle.UPDATE2:There is an answer at SuperUser: How can I download an entire (active) phpbb forum?But I preferred to make a Ruby script for backuping the forum. It is not a complete solution, but it is enough for me. And yes, it doesn't violates any TOS if you are so worried.\[code\]require :rubygemsrequire :hpricotrequire 'open-uri'require :urirequire :cgi#require 'sqlite3-ruby'class PHPBB def initialize base_url @base_url = base_url @forums, @topics = { {} } self.parse_main_page 'main', 'index.php' @forums.keys.each do |f| self.parse_forum "forum.#{f}", "viewforum.php?f=#{f}" end @topics.keys.each do |t| self.parse_topic "topic.#{t}", "viewtopic.php?t=#{t}" end end def read_file cached, remote local = "%s.%s.html" % [__FILE__, cached] if File.exists? local return local else # download and save puts "load #{remote}", "w+") << (content = open(@base_url + remote).read) return content end end def parse_main_page local, remote doc = Hpricot(self.read_file(local,remote))'ul.forums/li.row').each do |li| fa ='a.forumtitle').first # forum anchor f = self.parse_anchor(fa)['f'] @forums[f] = { forum_id: f, title: fa.inner_html, description:'dl/dt').first.inner_html.split('<br />').last.strip } ua, pa ='dd.lastpost/span/a') # user anchor, post anchor q = self.parse_anchor(pa) self.last_post f, q['p'] unless q.nil? end end def last_post f,p @last_post = {forum_id: f, post_id: p} if @last_post.nil? or p.to_i > @last_post[:post_id].to_i end def last_topic f,t end def parse_forum local, remote, start=nil doc = Hpricot(self.read_file(local,remote))'ul.topics/li.row').each do |li| ta ='a.topictitle').first # topic anchor q = self.parse_anchor(ta) f = q['f'] t = q['t'] u = self.parse_anchor('dl/dt/a').last)['u'] @topics[t] = { forum_id: f, topic_id: t, user_id: u, title: ta.inner_html } end end def parse_topic local, remote, start=nil doc = Hpricot(self.read_file(local,remote)) if start.nil?'div.pagination/span/a').collect{ |p| self.parse_anchor(p)['start'] }.uniq.each do |p| self.parse_topic "#{local}.start.#{p}", "#{remote}&start=#{p}", true end end'div.postbody').each do |li| # do something end end def parse_url href r = CGI.parse URI.parse(href).query r.each_pair { |k,v| r[k] = v.last } end def parse_anchor hp self.parse_url hp.attributes['href'] unless hp.nil? endend\[/code\]