How to do this ? Help me Please


New Member
Hi All,
I saw this at many forums that Super Mods, Mods and VIPs can have their Custom User Titles and a Picture of their Rank is showing under their User Title i want to know how to do this that our Super Mods, Mods and VIPs can have their custom user title but their rank shows under the user title ?
See the attachment picture.
Il try & explain this ...

Go into Admincp
then User Ranks
then Add New User Rank
then fill in the Info, Choose your User Group & Link your image.

Simple really :)
Thanks alot but i want to set Moderator and i already have this Group so what to do with Posts Option in Moderator's User rank ?
Limit the user rank to a specific usergroup instead of applying it all usergroups (refer to the drop down menu when you're editing the user rank)