How to do a Private Counter!?!?!?!


Staff member
I was wondering if anyone knew how to do a private counter?? By that, I mean so that your website would email you the # of hits your site has taken. I know how to add a visible counter to my page, but someone told me that in FrontPage you can have a site email you your site stats. Does anyone know how to accomplish this lofty feat?? I would appreciate any help! Thanks for you time and effort on my behalf.<br />
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- Moomancow<!--content-->hi,<br />
sure it can be done. I can do you some code in ASP, first does your host support it?<!--content-->I'm not sure if they do or not....Right now I'm just using Angelfire for some ameture sites. But I'm redoing my dads website ( <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> ) and I'd like to provide this option to him and his boss. Verizon hosts that site, and I believe they do support ASP. I was thinking about switching to A+ Hosting or DotEasy... (DotEasy does not support it, but a few plans from A+ do). So whats that source code?? ;)<!--content-->