Can anyone explain me how to make a downloader on PHP or Java to download a file from a public link without any user login? I can't find any example of that :SI found that but is written on Python:\[code\]def getfile(file_id, file_key): key = base64_to_a32(file_key) k = (key[0] ^ key[4], key[1] ^ key[5], key[2] ^ key[6], key[3] ^ key[7]) iv = key[4:6] + (0, 0) meta_mac = key[6:8] file = api_req({'a': 'g', 'g': 1, 'p': file_id}) dl_url = file['g'] size = file['s'] attributes = base64urldecode(file['at']) attributes = dec_attr(attributes, k) print "Downloading %s (size: %d), url = %s" % (attributes['n'], size, dl_url) infile = urllib.urlopen(dl_url) outfile = open(attributes['n'], 'wb') decryptor =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter =, initial_value =[0] << 32) + iv[1]) << 64)) file_mac = [0, 0, 0, 0] for chunk_start, chunk_size in sorted(get_chunks(file['s']).items()): chunk = chunk = decryptor.decrypt(chunk) outfile.write(chunk) chunk_mac = [iv[0], iv[1], iv[0], iv[1]] for i in xrange(0, len(chunk), 16): block = chunk[i:i+16] if len(block) % 16: block += '\0' * (16 - (len(block) % 16)) block = str_to_a32(block) chunk_mac = [chunk_mac[0] ^ block[0], chunk_mac[1] ^ block[1], chunk_mac[2] ^ block[2], chunk_mac[3] ^ block[3]] chunk_mac = aes_cbc_encrypt_a32(chunk_mac, k) file_mac = [file_mac[0] ^ chunk_mac[0], file_mac[1] ^ chunk_mac[1], file_mac[2] ^ chunk_mac[2], file_mac[3] ^ chunk_mac[3]] file_mac = aes_cbc_encrypt_a32(file_mac, k) outfile.close() infile.close() if (file_mac[0] ^ file_mac[1], file_mac[2] ^ file_mac[3]) != meta_mac: print "MAC mismatch" else: print "MAC OK"getfile('RtQFAZZQ', 'OH8OnHm0VFw-9IzkYQa7VUdsjMp1G7hucXEk7QIZWvE')\[/code\]